
January 15, 2009 on 6:19 pm | In Henry | Comments Off on TGI(almost)F

The week has gone by super super fast.  I had a dr appointment on Tuesday so I didn’t get in until noon.  I took Henry to the doctor yesterday (double ear infection and the only symptom was gooey/crusty eyes, I’m such a bad mom) and didn’t get in until 11.  It snowed and school was delayed an hour so today I didn’t get in until 10.  With the current trend, I should be in at my normal time tomorrow (9).

Oh and I don’t think I mentioned that on Tuesday when I got to the end of the driveway I noticed a car sitting on the “shoulder” (the shoulder where I live is about a foot wide, the car was mostly pulled over into my yard).  Then I noticed that our mailbox was decapitated.  Oh, well, I didn’t really like the barn mailbox anyway.  It was pretty cool in that it was custom.  Scott is going to see what the damage is and if we can repair it.  Until then the post office is holding our mail and Scott picks it up each afternoon after he gets Henry.  The driver swerved to try and miss a deer.  In the end he hit the deer (who I think ran away after denting the right side of his car) and then smacked into our mailbox (took off the left side mirror and maybe some other damage on that side).  When the poor guy got out to inspect the damage, he ended up locking himself out.

Lately I’ve been thinking about joining a sock club with an indie dyer and I think I found it.  I haven’t bought it yet (so leave me one!) but I think I’m gonna join this one… While I was writing this post, three of the 13 openings were sold, I did it… I’m now a member of the transitions sock club!

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