Will it ever end?

April 4, 2005 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Will it ever end?

So, yesterday our past landlord (our lease ended twenty days ago) called and expected us to replace the bulbs that were out in the track lighting. Excuse me? First off, that is normal wear and tear not to mention that half the track lighting doesn’t even work (probably 14 of the 15 that are out). And excuse me, but we turned in our keys 20 days ago! You gave us a list of things to fix (sent by registered mail), we fixed those things. You can’t start adding things to the list 20 days after we move out.

I’m not sure if we are going to fight this and even try to get back our security deposit. Is it really worth all this hassle? (did I mention the propane thing with the old house?) I think the landlord is either too lazy to fix it himself or is trying to come up with things to not give us our deposit back.

This week’s Sunday Brunch looked interesting, so I’m going to do that.

In a country as big as the United States, you can find fifty examples of anything.” -Jeffery F. Chamberlain

1) What state were you born in? Texas
2) What state do you currently live in? Virginia
3) How many states have you been in? (and yes, driving through counts!) 23
4) If you had your choice regardless of cost, which of the 50 states would you choose to live in? Some place more rural and a little bit more north
5) Which of the 50 states would you rather die than live in? California

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