Pictures, Pictures, and yet more Pictures!

April 4, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Pictures, Pictures, and yet more Pictures!

I was home (and awake) and the sun was finally out, so I took some pictures. First up, I finished the back of the butteryfly pillow. I made an oppsie (I knit a row that should have been purled) but when I tried to undo it the fluffiness of the yarn made it was less than successful, so I left it as is. I rationalized it by telling myself it was the back of the pillow. The front will have lots of color!Next up, my Gatsby sweater. I finished the back a while ago but I didn’t get a picture until today. But wait, there is more, I also finished up the first sleeve!And… I took a picture of the shaping detail at the waist, I think it is really cool.I also took a picture of my progress on the Myrtle Beach project, but I don’t think I’m allowed to post that.—–

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