It sure has been a while

September 10, 2009 on 2:11 pm | In Knitting, Spinning | Comments Off on It sure has been a while

So, what has been happening in the almost two months since I last posted?  Not a whole lot.  In my last post I had a list of knitting I was dreaming of.  I’m almost 3/4 finished Vivian (which I kettle dyed the yarn for).  I’m on my 2nd of 7 pieces of Soma cube.  The rest are still in the to-do list (well, Primrose Path and Puppet Love might be off the list).  Of the items I was working on, I’ve finished the socks for scott and the birthday socks for my MIL.  I’m almost to the half way point of my second handspun socks.  And I’m almost finished spinning the 4oz of Good Morning from Spunky Eclectic that I started back in June.  I’ll probably finish the singles this week and ply on my wheel this weekend.  Here are some pictures of stuff…

 Scotts socks

For my birthday tomorrow, I bought myself another Trindle.  This time I got a 13g Rosewood and Amazonite one.  And from Katrina’s Wool World, I got 9oz of Shetland, 8oz of Border Leicester, and 8oz baby llama all undyed/bare wool that has only been washed.  I’ll have lots of fun playing with my hand cards and combs.

Coming up, we are heading to El Paso next month to visit Keith and Carol and to go to the chuckwagon cook-off in Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico.  Should be fusn.  I think Henry will like the airport.  Every time he hears an airplane he looks up and say in Henry-ese, “airplane!”.

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