The future’s so bright…

April 21, 2009 on 2:09 pm | In Knitting, Life | 2 Comments

I gotta wear shades…

Stasha posted on Twitter the following saying that I’m going to post on my monitor at work so I can see it every day. “The quicker you let go of the past, the sooner you find the future.”  I also like the Tweet I did yesterday, “The best solution to losing friends to making new ones!”  So, no more blues for me, I’m going to look to the sunny bright future and be happy!

Work is going well… okay not super busy at the moment, but my name was put in for something big so I’m happy about that.  I don’t think I mentioned that I recently celebrated 10 years with my company.  As an achievement award, I selected a pretty sterling silver, blue topaz and sapphire ring.  Umm… pretty jewelry.  I might have to start whispering into Scott’s ear about another pretty ring for *our* 10th anniversary (not for another 3 years).

And thank you all for the kind words in my password protected post.  As I said to friend who asked “Is it such a loss?”  Losing any friend is hard, no matter what it was like at the end.  But in keeping with my Tweet from yesterday, I made more friends on Sunday at the Loudoun Needlleworkers Group from Ravelry.  I’m also in Swap 4 over on the Dyed Sock Blank Swap.

On the knitting front, not so good news there.  I had to frog America the Beautiful.  I had about an inch or two of the leg finished and tried it on again and I couldn’t get the leg over my heel (damm instep).  I could go down a needle size and then up to the size medium (since I started at medium on the current needle size and it was too big), but since I was starting to get annoyed with the 28 row repeat, I’m going to do something different.  I’m going to try Ribbed Lace from Sensational Knitted Socks.  We’ll see how this one goes.  I’ve also decided no more toe-ups for me.  I don’t want to wait until I’m 30 rows from finishing before finding out it won’t fit over my heel!

And the count down to Maryland Sheep and Wool is on!  Shalini and I are taking a van from a local LYS so we can sit back and knit and hopefully socialize with the other knitters in the van.  Only 11 days to go!

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