Photo Time

April 21, 2008 on 10:13 am | In Henry, Knitting | 3 Comments

I finished up my pair of rainbow monkeys last week (I’m thinking last Sunday but I can’t remember exactly when). I finally got around to take photos of them this morning.

I also uploaded a bunch of photos of Henry which I’ll show one of each week (so I have at least that to post).

Henry isn’t a big fan of the tummy time and usually looks like this…

But every now and then he’ll actually do what he is supposed to be doing (working on the baby push-ups) and then I can get a picture like this, which makes him look so grown up!

We went to the mall on Saturday originally to get a new battery for the lawn tractor (riding mower is what we usually call it) from Sears but they didn’t have the one we needed. And since we were there, we looked at the tillers since Scott wanted to buy one. We found one he liked so we bought that (he kept whining that he wanted his daddy’s tiller). While he was doing that I checked out the mattresses since we need a new one asap. They had a 50% off sale, so I had Scott try them out. And since we were in the mall I convinced him to stop by the Select Comfort store to see the beds in real life (we are leaning that way). We haven’t make any mattress decisions yet. But on the way across the mall, we stopped by a carpet place and Scott bought this. I think it looks great!  Oh and the reason we started the entire trip… the battery… we didn’t get one.

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