Rain, rain, go away
April 3, 2009 on 1:23 pm | In Henry, Knitting | Comments Off on Rain, rain, go awayTomorrow we have a play date with Noah, Oliver, Kyle, Connor, and two little girls (I forget their names). And maybe Claire. The current weather forecast is partly cloudy/windy and low 60’s. Sunday is suppose to be mostly sunny and upper 60’s. If Catherine wasn’t heading to DE for the week, I would suggest a swap. I’m hoping it won’t be too bad. Did I mention that Henry is getting over a cold that resulted in two perforated ear drums? He doesn’t give many symptoms with an ear infection and he also just cut all his molars. I feel lik a bad mommy yet again. While he was sick (his nose was all stuffed up), he slept with us mostly upright. Now he is in the bad habit of wanting to come to our bed at 2am. Yesterday I put my foot down and now I’m trying to break him (and DH) of this habit. Last night it took over an hour, but he eventually did go back to sleep in his crib. Hopefully tonight will be a little bit better.
In knitting news, I’m ready to turn the heel tonight on my America the Beautiful socks. I finished the second repeat of the chart and things are just sailing along.
And in the sad news category, the day after I found out a friend was expecting, she miscarried…
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