Lots to talk about…

April 29, 2009 on 11:40 am | In Henry | Comments Off on Lots to talk about…

I’m taking a mini internet break.  I’m going to ditch Facebook and Twitter, I’m not sure if it is temporary or not.  I’m still on Ravelry, but I’m just lurking at my other usual hangouts.  But there are interesting things happening that I just wanted to share.

The number one exciting thing that is happening right now is that one of Scott’s banana plants is putting on a bloom stalk!  He’s been growing banana plants for a couple of years now.  He had some at the old house, but I don’t think they did well so he got some new ones when we moved into our current house 4 years ago.  The Apple Banana has been throwing out suckers (new plants) for a while now and just a couple of days ago, he noticed a bloom stalk emerging.  This is so exciting.  And since it is happening in the spring, there is a good chance we will have bananas this summer!

This morning I got an interesting letter from Henry’s preschool (technically it is a home daycare, but is run like a very small private preschool).  Because of a new addition to the family (she said a new niece so I’m wondering if she means the sister who works there is expecting or if they have another sibling), they need to reduce the number of full time kids by one to make room for the new family member.  So, one of the kids was informed earlier this week that they wouldn’t have a space come September.  There were a couple of factors used to determine who would be let go, including summer camp enrollment. 

Needless to say, these parents are not happy at all and pulled their kid from the school.  Based on some other information in the letter (references to a medical condition), I think I know who the child is.  And if I’m right, the child isn’t going to be there this summer and in the fall will be going to half day kindergarten in the morning.  And since this is a preschool, I can see how this is an obvious choice.  Granted there are two other kids also going into kindergarten in the fall, but one is the owner’s kid and the other has two younger siblings in the school (ages 3 and 6 months, I think) while this child does not have any silbing.  The parents feel like they are being discriminated again and have been calling other parents (they don’t have our number, so we haven’t gotten a call)… like I told Scott this morning, Drama at the Preschool…

The number two factor was “the child’s behavior and peer relationships in the classroom”.  I think Henry had that one in the bag since the first thing that happens when he gets there is the two youngest girls (ages 3 and almost 2) run to him and give him a hug.  Everyone seems to get all excited when we show up, “Henry’s here!  Henry’s here!”

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