Two in a row, do miracles never cease?
September 11, 2009 on 10:46 am | In Henry, Life | 1 CommentI remembered yesterday that there was more stuff I forgot to mention so you get another blog entry today (and by you, I probably mean me, because I’m not sure anyone is still out there…)
I joined the 21th century and I’m getting high speed internet via satellite courtesy of Wild Blue (with a deal through Directv which turned out to be about $25 cheaper). They are coming on Wednesday to install the dish and modem. It has got to be better than dial-up! I’ll be able to do things like quickly check the weather on my iTouch before dressing Henry and be online without hogging the phone. And one thing I’m really looking forward to is subscribing to podcasts! DH is afraid it will really show how old his laptop is (I think we bought it in 2003). My desktop luckily, or maybe not, had the mother board fried a couple of years ago and I just upgraded the memory and DH and DS gave me a new hard drive for mother’s day (1 terrabyte, baby!).
And speaking of babies… ours isn’t so much one anymore. We transitioned him to a toddler bed last weekend (going great!). Daycare has started “Potty Training 101” and have started transitioning him to the 2-3 year old pre-school class (I think they said about 1 hour a day right now) so he’ll be all ready come December.
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