
Looking back on the archived posts, it looks like I’ve been blogging since Dec 2003. Wow, what a long time. I started at Blogspot and then moved to my own server using Movable Type and then in September 2007 moved to Word Press when our first server went kaplooie (our account with the webhosting company not the actual hardware).

By day I’m an engineer (B.S. UMCP 1995, M.S. UMCP 2003) designing thermal control systems for satellites, by night mommie to Henry.

My main interests include knitting, cross stitch (but not as much these days), reading and music (I play 2nd oboe in a community band). But I also spin, weave, dye, and sew.

My first two years were spent in Texas, but since then I’ve be in the DC area. I lived for 26 years in Maryland before moving to Virginia in 2001. I’m only about 45 minutes from where I grew up in Maryland. Which is good since my sister and her “brood” are still there.

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