Finally Fixed!
November 14, 2007 on 6:58 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Finally Fixed!For the past week or so, I haven’t been getting email notifications of new comments. And that started shortly after Mike explained to me about the reply to part of how Word Press works the comment notification (notification comes from an email on my website but the reply to is the commenter’s email). So, I can finally start emailing people who leave comments! Yeah!
But to answer Christine’s question (and to make Shalini really jealous that she couldn’t make it), the cake was chocolate with chocolate mousse layers… yummy!
My sister wanted a picture of the crib with some of the new additions. You can see the new rocket mobile, the safari quilt and green dust ruffle from the bedding set (the bumper pad will stay off until he can roll over). On the left are two blankets, one that I bought and one that Sandi gave me that says Thank Heaven for Little Boys. And the quilt on the right my sister made for her favorite nephew! Some people might think that rockets don’t go well with safari animals and neither of them go all that well with my mural. But in my house, all animals are welcome in the forest even if a Hobbit-esque one… And rockets go with everything! (so says the aerospace engineer).
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