Wow, the weekend went fast…

October 8, 2007 on 5:27 pm | In Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Friday night Scott has two performances and then three on Saturday. I ended up wandering around by myself for most of Saturday (Scott joined me for the last two hours). My poor aching feet! I did get some nice shots of Scott doing his thing (he played a drunk Irish sheriff, which is funny since neither of us drink) and got to fight with his Swords instructor (Scott on right, instructor on left)

He also did a bit of juggling and played with his devil sticks to attract the crowd between showings.

But the biggest news of the weekend is that Scott air brushed the clouds and the nursery is 99% finished. We are finished enough that we took up the tarps covering the floor and brought up the crib and rug from the basement. Some of the walls still need the chair railing (Scott said he would finish it this week). So, until then, I had to put the crib in a different corner.


  1. Hey, I bet I could play a half-genuine drunk Irish sheriff! I’m not Irish, but I’m good at the getting drunk part.

    Your Nursery is just absolutely amazing. Great job!

    Comment by Suz — October 8, 2007 #

  2. Go Scott Go ! I’m sure he entertained everyone!

    The nursery is beautiful, just like I knew it would be. You guys did a great job! My nephew will be so thrilled. :)

    Comment by Aunt Traci :) — October 8, 2007 #

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