Band Rant
November 17, 2004 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Band RantOkay, I gotta get this off my chest because I was so angry last night at the stupid saxophones that I almost screamed at them. The focus for the past year has been blending as an ensemble. And since summer time, it has been the saxophones who can’t blend. They play the dynamics as written not how it sounds within the group. And they sit right behind me! When we tried to talk to the summer conductor he just said that per square inch the saxophone can produce the most sound. At least last night I think he finally understood what we were talking about. He kept trying to tell the saxophones to play softer so everyone can hear the poor little woodwinds in front.
I swear this all started when one of the players was in a different section and then quit the band due to muscially difference with our main conductor. He was later wooed back by one of the sax players and returned to that section (his primary instrument). He must be going deaf or something because he plays *so* loud. And now I think the other saxes are in a contest to play the loudest. It isn’t like they can’t play soft, it is just that their dynamic is always two or three levels louder than everyone else! Even when the conductor (Christmas concert is done by the summer conductor) said something along the lines of, “If you can only hear yourself playing, then you are too loud. It should blend such that you can’t distinguish different instruments.” When we do things like that, the saxes blend… but give them a fortissimo and I swear one day I’m going to have an embolism trying to make my little oboe heard.
Oh and I kicked butt last night! The first oboe wasn’t there (not sure where she was) and there were times where it was just the oboes so I had little solos and I did pretty good if you ask me! It is amazing how much I’ve improved in the past year and a half since I’ve joined the band.
I got this came from Erica’s blog via Jo. I removed two questions about who will respond to this email and who did I receive it from to reflect its new status on blogs.
1) If you could move and build a house anywhere, where would it be? I’ve been fascinated with Scandinavia so maybe there.
2) What’s your favorite article of clothing? I have two really soft sweaters, one is purple and the other red.
3) What’s the last CD you bought? Classical music
4) What time do you wake up in the morning? DH tries to get me up at 7:15… lately I’ve been sleeping in until 8:30.
5) What is your favorite kitchen appliance? Well, not counting the basics like fridge and stove and since I don’t own a stand mixer yet… I’d have to say I love my hand blender (the immersion kind).
6) If you could play an instrument, what would it be? I play the flue and oboe, so I’d like to next learn the English Horn or Bassoon.
7) Which do you prefer, sports car or SUV? Mini SUV
8) Do you believe in the afterlife? Yes and I believe in reincarnation. I would get too crowded in Heaven without it.
9) What is your favorite children’s book? Goodnight Moon.
10) What is your favorite season? Fall with Spring come in a close second.
11) If you could have one super power, what would it be? teleportation
12) If you have a tattoo, what is it? don’t have one
13) Can you juggle? Yes
14) Is there one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to? I would to talk to my grandfather about his past more.
15) What is in the trunk of your car? plastic grocery bags to be recycled, a blanket, and jumper cables.
16) Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? veggie sushi
19) Who did you find this? Jo’s Blog
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