Getting close to another finish
January 2, 2005 on 1:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Getting close to another finishAfter all my knitting in the month of December and finishing my sweater I decided to switch back to stitching. So, the debate was to either start back on my rotation right away or just pick one until Monday when the rotation would start back up as planned. So, I decided to do a mini-focus and picked Night Flight. I am thisclose to finishing. I have everything in the center finished except for adding in some random #4 032 braid in the moon. All I have left to do is the 1/2″ basketweave border all around the design… man is that going to take a while. I worked on that border almost all day yesterday and today and I’m not even half way finished… and I ran out of perle cotton! The design said one skein of #5 perle cotton and that isn’t even enough to do half the border. But luckily I had another project kitted up that I stole some more from. But I figured one skein is enough for the weekend and I put it away until its slot come up in the rotation (Jan 17th). I could go on a finishing frenzy, but I’ve discovered that with this project I can only work on it for one week before my shoulder starts to kill me. And since I’m already starting to feel some twinges, I’m putting it away for two weeks. But here is what I have so far (and I’m sorry it is upside down, that is how it is in my floor stand)…
Tomorrow I head to Scent of Old Roses and see how much that will take to finish up (I’m thinking two or three rotations).
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