Small Photoshoot today
April 17, 2004 on 12:00 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Small Photoshoot todayWe had our Broadway concert tonight and since it was the third weekend of the month, grandma came over for dinner first. I also invited over my sister and her family and my mom. I was at my sister’s house earlier in the week and did a little photoshoot with her and her two oldest. Little O was asleep so we didn’t get any pictures of her. Tonight the two oldest were at their dad’s, so it was just my sister, her husband, and little O. So, we did a little photoshoot with her while she was awake. And what better place than on our farm. She liked mooing at the cows. I really like how this pictures came out. Of course, my sister had a bit of a struggle trying to keep little O from climbing over the fence to run with the cows!
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