Mommy’s little beach bum

July 7, 2009 on 9:16 am | In Henry | 1 Comment

Tuesday’s are water play day at daycare (which started “summer camp” this week).  It took many tries to find a swim T (very important for pale baby… did I tell you about the time the pediatric opthamologist asked if we had any albinos in the family?) that would fit over Henry’s 50th percentile head, but I finally found this little ensemble at Costco.

He is also wearing these little river shoes, but I couldn’t get him to stand still far enough away to get a picture with the shoes too.

And of course I have all the photos that I was hoping to post yesterday.  For lunch yesterday I had two tamales, fried onigiri, mixed veggies, sliced kiwi fruit, sliced Havarti cheese, and a mini cupcake.  It turned out to not quite enough food (well, either that or breakfast was too skimpy, or maybe both).

For lunch today, I am going to have sliced turkey breast, edamame, onigiri, two small bell peppers, carrots, string cheese, sliced Havarti cheese, blueberries (from my IL’s garden), 4 cherries, and a sliced kiwi fruit.  Hopefully I won’t get hungry at 3pm again.  I put the onigiri into the silicone mold because I prepped everything last night except for that and I wanted to reserve a space for it while I shoved as much food as possible into the boxes.  I had to nuke it this morning (I made about 2 dozen last week and individually wrapped and froze them) for just over a minute so it wouldn’t get all soggy defrosting before lunch.

I also found the zoo pictures I had resized and prepped for upload (took a bit of searching last night).

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