Lots of Photos…

July 6, 2009 on 11:29 am | In Henry | Comments Off on Lots of Photos…

And of course the one I really want to show today is still on the compact flash card… my very first bento box!  The smaller “fruit box” has a sliced kiwi fruit, slices of Havarti cheese, and a mini cupcake (with 4th of July sprinkles).  The bigger box has  two tamales that Scott made on Friday, a fried onigiri, and mixed veggies (with a sprinkling of Yasai Fumi Furikake).  But until I get those photos off my camera, here are some things I finished for the WIPs Wrestlemania 2009 on Ravelry.

I finished up my spinning bag  and have already stuffed it with some fiber for my Trindle.

I also finished up the Egeblad that I made for an upcoming birthday present.

Okay, maybe not lots of photos… I thought I had uploaded some pictures of animals from the zoo, but I can’t seem to find them… maybe tomorrow…

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