More Spinning

June 9, 2009 on 12:56 pm | In Spinning | Comments Off on More Spinning

Yesterday after getting Henry to bed and getting his clothes folded, I worked some more on plying the Monster Mash.  I’m very happy with how it is turning out.  I’m not getting much barber pole suprisingly.  The colors seem to be matching up pretty well.  I’m also surprised by how long this is taking.  I worked on it some before I left for the Rav GTG and then after I got home on Sunday and I worked on it against some last night.  I’m hoping I’m more than half way finished.  This is 4 oz, so I’m hoping for around 400 yards (fingering weight).  I can see the differences in consistency between what I spun on the wheel vs my Trindle (guess which one is better).  I’m also thinking that the Trindle is a bit thinner so I might not have as much leftover from the 60g ball as I thought (I’m going to join the other end of that one to the 40g ball when it ends and continue plying).

I also worked on my Kai Mei and I’m making progress on the heel flap.  I would have started that at the GTG but I didn’t have the pattern with me (how hard is it to remember 3×3 ribbing for 6.5 inches) and I couldn’t remember what type of heel it was (slip stitch with an extra knit stitch on the end).  I thought about calling Scott but Panera was going to be closing soon so I just spun for a bit after I reached my 6.5 inches.  Oh and yesterday I found out that I’m spinning Good Morning in Shetland (from Spunky Eclectic Spunky Club December 2006).  It is very pretty blues and purples.

In other spinning news, I’m hoping my first month of the Butterfly Girl fiber/spindle club will be shipping soon.  She sent out a questionaire the end of last week and the fiber I had requested is now gone from the store (and I don’t see it on the sold list).  I feel bad that I requested to *not* get a polymer clay spindle.  I really love all her other ones and had a hard time choosing (the dichroic glass that just sold is beautiful!) which is why I joined the club.

And on the spindle topic, I’m thinking about pre-ordering this.  I’ve been reading (and watching on YouTube) the things Abby has posted and she is a fount of knowledge (or is that font of knowledge… Google research shows both are correct).  I just hope I’m still spinning come December.

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