June BGD Fiber and Spindle Club

June 18, 2009 on 9:17 am | In Henry, Spinning | 1 Comment

My June shipment of the Butterfly Girl Designs Fiber and Spindle club arrived yesterday!  And some how I got exactly what I wanted.  I was hoping for 0.5 oz spindle and wanted at least one Italian resin spindle during the three month subscription… and that is what I got!  Of course the fiber wasn’t a surprise since I picked it out.  I think I’m going to have both be a surprise next month.  The fiber is Cedar Waxwing which is 60% merino, 30% bamboo, and 10% nylon firestar.  And I agree with one post (or was it a blog?) that I read about how it is a great deal.  The monthly cost for the club is $35 and I think the spindle itself sells for about that!

This is by far the lightest spindle I have.  This morning I put some Coopworth Nightshade from Spunky Club May ’07.  I had trouble with the fiber on my Trindle, but it is working much better on this spindle.  My only issues I have is trying to limit the wobble and getting it to spin longer.  I’ve learned so far (with maybe 5 minutes of spinning this morning) that the thigh roll works much better than the hand flick I use on the other spindles.  With this weight, I definitely have to spin frog hair.  My first impression wasn’t as favorable as my other two spindles, but I’m hoping it is just because it is so much lighter and therefore more sensitive.

In Henry news, he had his 18 month appointment yesterday.  He remains 90th for weight, 75th for height, and 50th for head (so why do we have trouble getting shirts on?  I pity the kids with 90th percentile heads).  The doctor is extremely happy with how he is doing.  And they only asked if he has 7-10 words.  They also asked if he turns pages of a book, points to things in the book (it was either that or identify them, I can’t remember), does he walk well and almost run, does he know some body parts, can he walk up stairs holding your hand, does he pucker up to give a kiss.  There were probably some more but those are all I remember right now. 

He does everything but the stairs and kiss ones.  We haven’t actually tried with the stairs, so he might.  But he doesn’t try to kiss me, so I don’t think he is puckering for kisses.  I’m just now starting to get hugs!  I think I responded something like, “no, he’s a boy”.  Luckily I think the nurse understood what I meant.  I was thinking, I can’t get him to sit still long enough to cuddle and hug, what makes you think he is even going to attempt to kiss me!

1 Comment

  1. I’ve never been asked the kiss question, and I don’t remember when L started doing it. L’s head has always been in the 25-40th percentile (never above 50), and *we* still had trouble getting some of his shirts on. That fiber is just beautiful! I can’t wait to see how it looks when it’s done.

    Comment by Erin — June 18, 2009 #

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