Bento Craziness

June 30, 2009 on 1:27 pm | In Henry, Life | 2 Comments

I’ve been wanting a bento box for a long long time and since I was bored at work on Saturday (12 hours of mission ops support), I ended up surfing.  I found a group on Ravelry and that lead to some pictures on Flickr which lead to Bento Crazy.  There were two other stores I was thinking of buying from but they didn’t have anything I liked that was microwaeable (but I did see one I loved that wasn’t).  But Bento Crazy had a bunch I really liked.  I settled on an orange set, a storage container with 6 packets of furikake, and a set of onigiri makers.  She threw in a small mayo container, reuseable dividers, and a veggie pick (I’m not exactly sure what that is used for yet).  I ordered on Saturday, got my shipment notification on Sunday and it arrived today (okay she lives only an hour away from me).  Great service!  I’m going to definitely shop there again.

I had also read that World Market (also known as Cost Plus) had some 2 tiered stainless steel containers.  So, after getting Henry some new shoes, we stopped by and I found 2 marked down to $1.98 each!  What a bargin!

Here is a picture of my new bento stash.

And speaking of Henry, daycare is currently closed until after the 4th, so we’ve been taking turns staying home with him.  Last week Scott stayed home while I supported the Measat 3A launch and early mission ops (everything is going great!).  I worked weird hours last week and even took all of Thursday off and we went to the Maryland Zoo.  While it isn’t as big as the National Zoo, I thought it was great (much better than the Catoctin Zoo we went to recently).  They had a great Children’s Zoo which we spent the majority of our time at before heading over to the African area to see the big animals.  I got some great pictures of animals since they were soo close.  But today I’m posting a few of Henry…

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