Gotta love those Peeps

May 28, 2009 on 10:19 am | In Henry, Knitting, Life | 2 Comments

For Easter, Henry got a Peep bubble maker from his Aunt Traci.  And I have to say that I love this little toy.  The peep is like a rubber duck with a hole just behind the bubble part so squeezing the little chick results in blowing bubbles, very easy for an (almost) 18 month old.

I also took this picture the same day.  It makes him look so mature and quite the heart breaker… And yes, his hair is really that blonde.

On the home front, we have a couple of projects planned for this summer.  First up is that we *finally* decided on what to do with the kitchen floor.  We’ve decided on a tile laminate.  I think it goes well with the counter, what do you think?

And it is quite the improvement over what we current have, don’t ya think?

On the knitting front I’m making good progress on my Kai Mei and Egeblad.  I have about 4 1/2 inches finished on Kai Mei (which is really about 9 inches since I’m doing 2-at-a-time) and I’m up to row 60 of 87 on Egeblad.  I would take a picture of that, but well, it is just a blob of lace right now.

On the exercise front, I’ve started running again.  Since I haven’t really run in over 2 years, I decided to restart Couch-2-5k.  I did W1D1 using the Podrunner podcasts and while I really liked the music, the beats per minute were way too slow.  So, for W1D2, I got the C25k app and it went much better.  I listened to my audiobooks and ran at a pace that was much better.  Of the 31 minutes, there were about 9 minutes of running (at 1 minute each).  I did about 4 at 10min/mi, 3 at 12min/mi, and the last two at 15 min/mi.  I’m going to aim for more 10min/mi segements over the next couple of weeks.  I’m bound and determined to get faster than the 12min/mi I was averaging before Henry.

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