Uh oh… I joined another club…
May 19, 2009 on 11:37 am | In Henry, Spinning | 1 CommentI really enjoyed the three months of the Filet of Sole from The Painted Tiger, but I decided to try something different this time. Okay, I wasn’t really searching for another club, it just happened. Every since I got my Golding, I’ve been shopping for another spindle. I saw the ads for Buttefly Girl and now I’m lusting after them. I haven’t been hearing much about the trindle and what I have heard is that while they spin fast, they might not spin long (my Golding does both). But I’ve been hearing good things about Butterfly Girl (and she has sold almost 2500 things on Etsy). I’ve been looking over her spindles and I can’t decide since they are all beautiful. Then I saw she had a 3 month long spindle and fiber club. Every month you get a drop spindle (she picks it out especially for you) and a 3oz batt. I’ve been eyeing the club for a couple of days and this morning I just did it. I bought the last place in the club!
On the exercise front, I’ve been wanting to get back to running, so I filled my iPod with all the Podrunner Couch to 5k podcasts and was all set to start last night… except Henry decided he didn’t want me to and took almost an hour to get to bed. When oh when will these canines arrive! According to a chart I found, he was on the early side for his central incisors (5-7 months is average and he got his first at 5 month) and on the later side for his first molars (10-16 months and he got his around 15 or 16 months). They have the canines as 16-20 months and second molars from 20-30 months. You would think that the early teethers would also finish up earlier… nope, not Henry. He started early and it has been long drawn out one tooth at a time until the bitter end. I just hope it is soon and not closer to 20 months (which is a little under 3 months away).
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searching for your husband’s web presence. Martialartsman is no more? Haven’t heard from him since baby was born. (congrats by the way). Did find a thermalgal. Hope all is well.
Comment by Robert Jackson — May 21, 2009 #