The Case of the Unripe Banana

April 9, 2009 on 2:03 pm | In Henry | 2 Comments

The bananas we buy at Costco are usually underripe and take a couple of days before they are edible.  But the last bunch we bought were so underdone that after almost two weeks, they are still as green as the day we brought them home.  For the past week, they’ve lived in a plastic bag (paper would have been better) to help, but I think I should have added other ripe fruit to give it more ethylene gas to help the process along.

So this morning Henry wanted a Ma-nana with his breakfast, but mommy had to tell him the bad news that they weren’t edible.  So, I said that we would go to the store after breakfast and buy some.  Of course after breakfast I had forgotten so he keeps trying to get my attention.  Finally I ask him what he wants so he runs to the basement door (the garage is in the basement) and keeps saying ma-anana.  Right-o little one, lets go to the store and get us some bananas!  After we got back he sure did scarf down that banana quick.

In knitting news, I’ve taken a break from my America the Beautiful socks to knit Scott some dishcloths (one finally died in this weekend’s laundry).  I’ll gladly knit him dishcloths if he continues to do the dishes 😉


  1. Pretty ones! Yay for dish-washing DH’s 😉

    I find Costco bananas take forever to ripe and then go bad very quickly. We’ve almost stopped getting them from Costco.

    Comment by Shalini — April 9, 2009 #

  2. That’s so cute of Henry! He is getting so big already. And can those cheeks get any more rosy? :)

    Comment by Abi — April 11, 2009 #

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