Got nothing…

March 30, 2009 on 3:28 pm | In Henry, Knitting | 1 Comment

I had some great topic ideas to write about today but then discovered that my website went belly up (the permissions on my subdomain folder got changed somehow).  But a quick call to my server and it is all fixed.

I was also going to post my progress on Magic Mirror (the change to the next size down is going great).  I’ve finished the first repeat of the chart and I probably have atleast one more before the heel.  I’m still debating if I want to do the short row heel like the pattern or swap it out for a toe-up gussetted heel.  I’m liking working from the sock blank to do 2-at-a-time.  I’ve knit the first repeat of shining sea and fruited plain (I think).  Next up is purple mountain majesty and amber waves of grain.  Then spacious skies before repeating back down to the shining sea.

But I didn’t get the photo off the camera.  Instead we left the house at 7am to get to the 7:30-8:30 walk in appointments at the doctors.  Henry has two perforated ear drums.  And this time we didn’t even get crusty eyes as a symptom.  He was fussy on Friday and didn’t sleep will that night or the next.  We thought it was because his nose was stuffy.  He did better over the weekend but I took him in just to check.  I can’t wait until he is old enough to tell me, “Mommy, my ear hurts.”

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