Magic Mirror Socks

March 26, 2009 on 3:30 pm | In Henry | Comments Off on Magic Mirror Socks

I found the perfect (I hope) pattern for America the Beautiful (see this post for pictures and a knitted sample).  I’m going to do Magic Mirror Socks by Jeannie Cartmel.  I did the Turkish Cast-on using these instructions and I’m almost finished all the increases in the toe(s).  I’m doing these 2-at-a-time, toe-up.  I’m also thinking about swapping out the short row heel for toe-up gusseted heel  using these instructions.  I’ll post a picture once I get some of the chart pattern knitted.

And in TMI news, boy do I hate “that time of the month”.  I’m lucky in that I’ve only been subjected to 3 in the past two years (and before that I was on Seasonel and only had it 4 times a year).  I just called my OB-Gyn and I’m switching back to Seasonel since I’m weaned (I should have called back in Jan, but oh well).

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