America the Beautiful
March 31, 2009 on 2:42 pm | In Knitting | Comments Off on America the BeautifulI was home this morning with a well baby (silly 24 hour rule means we can’t take him back to daycare until he has been fever free without medicine for 24 hours, so since we gave him meds at 11am yesterday, the earliest he can go back is 5pm today since it was Motrin). So, I had time to upload my current sock in progress pictures (I keep thinking of it as Tiger in Progress since it the Feb SOTM blank from The Painted Tiger).
I really like how this is turning out. And the chart is super easy to get into the flow of. And it helps that the right and left are mirror images (thus the name, duh). The toes are the shining sea and the bright green are the fruited plains. I started the purple mountain majesty last night.
And since I can’t seem to get enough of these dyed sock blanks, I joined the newest swap that just opened up on the Dyed Sock Blank Swap board on Ravelry. The theme this time is “my favorite” and I already have an idea. I placed my order this morning for my blank and some dyes to help with my idea. The ship date is May 8th, so shortly there after, I’ll post my finished result (after it has been delivered).
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