Not a bad day…
January 20, 2009 on 3:45 pm | In Henry | Comments Off on Not a bad day…I’m having a pretty good day today. I’ve been thinking about yesterday and it was a good day. I stayed home with Henry because daycare was closed for MLK day. Daycare is also closed today (it was a teacher in-service day, but they closed school for the employees to go into DC if they wanted) so Scott is home.
So, yesterday Henry showed me that he is learning how to sit in mommy’s lap to read books. I think he has been practicing with daddy during the week. And I think he gave me my first kiss (wet and slobbery as it was). When I’ve thought he was trying to kiss me before, he ended up clamping down on my jaw. This time it was all slobber and no teeth (lots and lots of drool because of those 1 year molars coming in). Awww… my baby is growing up so fast!
I even got him off the bottle this weekend. We had a sippy break through and he is a champion sippy drinker now. So, Scott (I’m not sure why he did this, probably because there were no clean nipples) gave him a sippy first thing on Saturday morning instead of a bottle and no problemo. We did the same thing for his last bottle (which is before bath/bed while we are eating our dinner) and again no problemo. He hasn’t had a bottle since Friday night!
And to add to the good news. The doctor’s office called and my bloodwork is in. Everything is just fine including the Lyme test. I have to wait for Suzy (the CFNP that I see) to get in on Thursday but Mara (the nurse) said she’ll probably order an x-ray of my shoulder to see if I have a pinched nerve there. So, I’ll find out more about what is next on Thursday.
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