One down, one to go

December 26, 2008 on 2:02 pm | In Henry | 2 Comments

I hope everyone had a great day.  We spent the morning/afternoon at my SIL’s.  It was too exciting for Henry to calm down enough to take a nap, so we ended up leaving around 2 pm I think (we got there at 10 am).  I think everyone had a good time.  Henry’s cousin has gotten to the age where there really isn’t a filter (almost 7).  He did okay with gifts of clothes, but one of the games his dad gave me got the response of “Isn’t this the game that sucks?”.  Our gift to him (a subscription to 2 comics) wasn’t received all that well.  Hopefully over the next year, he’ll appreciate it more.

Next up is Christmas with my family, which is actually happening on New Year’s Day.  We drew names in October for a Secret Santa exchange for the adults, but I just got word that it turns out that everyone got little things for everyone else… except for me.  I followed the rules and now I look like the scrooge.  I’ll have to think on this for a bit.  Maybe some intense knitting.  A couple of scarves and hats should do the trick…


  1. I wouldn’t be too concerned about the “extra gifts”….the feeling of christmas tends to get to people…..the idea of “not” getting something for the people they care about is hard….this is a new “tradition” for our family, it will take time to adjust and get used to not buying gifts. For me in particular…I don’t expect gifts from people, but I love getting things for others…that’s a hard thing to stop. :)

    Comment by Aunt Traci — December 26, 2008 #

  2. Awww, yet another cute pic of Henry!

    We did gift exchanges for the first time this year with my family and DH’s mom (but not his dad). Only my parents passed on the rule of buying only for the person whose name you pulled but I kind of expected that. I don’t know if DH’s family was all into it (I’m certain his brother wasn’t) but we all just have so much stuff as it is that I just wanted to calm things down a bit!

    Comment by Christine S — December 27, 2008 #

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