Welcome Oliver!
November 7, 2008 on 1:44 pm | In Henry | Comments Off on Welcome Oliver!My good friends Mirella and George had their little boy on Sunday! The little guy was born via emergency C-section and sounds long and skinny (5 lbs 13 oz and 19.75 inches). In comparison to Henry, that is a pound lighter and 1/4 of an inch shorter. What pictures I’ve seen so far makes me think he looks like his daddy. But isn’t that the old wives tale? That babies are born looking like their daddy so the daddy knows for sure?
Now I just have to bide my time until I get the okay to come over and visit! They have lots of friends and family in the area, so I think it might be crazy for a while. Or it could be like for us, I had maybe a half dozen visits during my entire 3 month maternity leave.
So, of the three people I knew who were due in November, they have all had their babies (due dates ranged from Nov 7 – Nov 25). I still have a pair of socks to finish up for the one born last week. I was frantically trying to finish the sock before my co-worker disappeared. But he disappeared before I finished the second sock. He’s coming back to work next week so I’ll finish it up this weekend.
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