Getting really close…

October 16, 2008 on 10:05 am | In Henry | 2 Comments

Scott said that yesterday when Henry was standing near the brick border surrounding one of the trees outside, he was leaning over a bit and then just let go and stood there and then put his hands back down. So, things should be getting really interesting soon. Lots of times while cruising he barely has a hand down. And he seems to think the green wire on his Supermaze provides enough support to both pull himself up and to remain standing. Okay, he doesn’t really “pull” himself up these days. The hand is just there for balance as he stands up. Daycare also said that he likes to push the baby doll stroller around (which is a big step along the walking path from his walker).

While this is all great news, I’ve been in a bit of a funk since I got some tragic news at work earlier this week. On Sunday one of my co-workers lost his wife and sister while on vacation in Hawaii.


  1. Go Henry! He’ll be toddling before you know it. And I am so sorry about your coworker’s family. {{{hugs}}}

    Comment by Erin — October 16, 2008 #

  2. I’m so sorry to hear about your co-worker, how tragic.
    Way to go Henry, knew it wouldn’t take long!

    Comment by Aunt Traci — October 16, 2008 #

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