New Tooth!
September 29, 2008 on 9:28 am | In Henry | 1 CommentOkay, I’m a tad late on this. I’m not sure when his fifth tooth arrived. I didn’t notice it until the 18th (yes yes, almost two weeks ago). Number 6 should be any day now judging by his cheeks. Doesn’t he look all grown up? I zoomed in to the orginial photo and it looks like he might be working on some molars as well.
Also this weekend was Mirella’s baby shower for the Huh baby. I knit the little one a sweater and socks.
Sweater – Adorable Chenille Cardigan from Natural Knits for Babies and Moms using Lion Brand Lion Suede in color Sand, size 0-3 months. (Ravelry link)
Socks – Stripy Socks from 50 Baby Bootees to Knit in Patons Stretch Socks in color Taffy, size 0-3 months. (Ravelry link)
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