Day 3 – Nassau

September 22, 2008 on 2:58 pm | In Henry | Comments Off on Day 3 – Nassau

With Traci’s hair freshly braided the day before, we started our morning off bright and early with breakfast in the Windjammer at 7am. We were off the ship before 8 waiting for our ride to the Dolphin Encounters. We walked around the port and caught a ride to Blue Lagoon Island. After getting there we had a little class about dolphins and conservation, we went to the floating platform for the encounter. We got to hug and kiss dolphins as well as touch them and their teeth and dance with them. I bought the DVD and it is pretty funny. I might play with it and see if I can capture any to put on line. I did have my underwater camera and once I get that film back (I just dropped it off on Saturday), I’ll post the good ones. It was pretty cool being that close to the dolphins and I’m glad we did that. Mom was jealous of the fact that I got to swim with wild dolphins in New Zealand (I was in a wet suit and snorkel gear and was frantically swimming around trying not to get kicked by the other people while looking for dolphins).

After we got back we had lunch and then went ashore for some shopping. We hit the straw market which is like pretty much every market of that type in every country (everyone selling the same touristy stuff). We bought some things there and then checked out some of the brick and mortar stores. I found this one store that had some nice soaps and candles and artwork and was able to get a print by John Paul of some of the fish we saw snorkeling. I wanted some turtle artwork to go with the Hawaiian prints, but they were all sold out.

After we got back on the ship we decided to take in the show before dinner and it wasn’t that bad. It was something like songs of your childhood. They must have been aiming for an older crowd than me because the songs were oldies when I was growing up.

After dinner, we packed up our suitcases and that was it for the night. The next day we got up early again and tried to hang around as long as possible since we had a loooong wait at the airport for our flight home (the earlier flights stopped somewhere else and got in to Dulles about the same time as our later direct flight). There was a slight hiccup with getting my EBM thru security, but it all worked out in the end.

Everyone had a great time and we are evening planning a long cruise with more family members for June!

[edit] I forgot to mention our tomatoes! We were late getting them into the garden so the big ones are just now ripening (we’ve been getting the Jelly Beans for a couple of weeks now). I bought the Heirloom Rainbow Blend seed pack from Gurney this year. So far we have determined that we have pink Brandywine and Green Zebra. Since these are heirloom, I’m going to save the seeds for next year!

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