Ah Oh! I’m in trouble!
July 30, 2008 on 1:32 pm | In Henry | Comments Off on Ah Oh! I’m in trouble!Someone has discovered the joy of kitchen cabinets and drawers. I bought the cabinet (and drawer) latches, but we haven’t installed them yet. After trying to keep him out of a drawer all morning (right next to the cutting board/cookie sheet slot he is playing in), I think I’m going to do that tonight. He kept opening the drawer and either trying to pull out the plastic bags or pull himself up. When he tried to pull himself up, the drawer would close. I came to his rescue before his little fingers got stuck but next time, I might not be as close by. We have a baby gate up for the stairs to the basement (he hasn’t gotten close to that yet). But it is pretty high right now so we can train Pushkin to go under it.
And check out the groovy carpet in the kitchen.
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