Henry Status

July 9, 2008 on 1:33 pm | In Henry | 1 Comment

Well, he doesn’t have any top teeth yet like I was thinking.  It has been a couple of weeks since those teeth started to make their way down but nothing has broken the gum line yet.  Maybe by the end of the month?  But he is making progress on the mobility front.  Still not crawling (but daycare says any day now) but he has a new trick.  If you hold out your hands to him while he is sitting, he will pull himself up to standing.  I also saw him checking out the outlet in the floor near his playmat this morning.  Good thing I plugged that outlet a couple of months ago.

He has been interested in my camera for a while now.  Since he is starting to get a bit more mobile, I’m getting more of these pictures…

When what I really want is a picture like this, that show how much he likes his new “Classic” Pooh Bear.

On the crafty side of things, I am working on a gift project and should be finished soon if I can find more time to work on it.  But I’ve been sucked back into the land of Lego Star Wars.  I want to finish them before I get the new Indiana Jones one.  I had finished the first game but not the second one, so I restarted them both.  I started the second one this weekend.  It is definitely harder than the first game.

And if you can’t tell, Henry is wearing his yellow V2.0 t-shirt in the second picture.  On Saturday when we went to the IL’s, we wore our Think Geek shirts (I have the coordinating V1.0 shirt).

1 Comment

  1. Hooray for Lego Star Wars!! =) I almost killed myself getting the “undefeated” achievements….

    Comment by Heather — July 21, 2008 #

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