Addicted to Henry’s Smile
July 8, 2008 on 12:20 pm | In Henry | 3 CommentsI just read a news article that says that baby smiles are addictive… I think I have to agree with that. What do you think? Does this give you a “natural high” or is it just me?
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Of course it does! I love seeing babies when they are clearly enjoying themselves.
Comment by Erin — July 8, 2008 #
Absolutely it does!! Nothing is better than a baby’s joy because it’s totally pure and untainted. What a great picture of Henry!
Comment by Christine S — July 9, 2008 #
Yep, it’s impossible to look at a smiling baby and not smile (I smiled when I saw that picture of Henry and the bear). It just doesn’t get any better than that!!
Comment by Jill in CA — July 9, 2008 #