Don’t be fooled!

July 3, 2008 on 10:50 am | In Henry | Comments Off on Don’t be fooled!

He might look cute, but if you get too close he’ll shove your closest body part into his mouth and start chomping!  He has chomped on daddy’s ear and routinely nibbles on daddy’s arm.  He has tried to eat my knee, shoes and hands.  And this morning, he grabbed my hair and shoved my nose into his mouth!  He has a big selection of chew toys but he seems to prefer mommy and daddy.

Hopefully everyone will have a happy and safe 4th.  I’m doing my usual 4th fireworks gig (the band plays the music to fireworks) and then on the 5th we are going to the in-laws for a BBQ.

If you want to know what is on his bib go here.

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