Father’s Day

June 16, 2008 on 10:51 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on Father’s Day

So, this was actually the first Father’s Day that I’ve celebrated. I was planning on letting Scott sleep in and then serving him breakfast in bed. But he got up with me when Henry woke up (7:15, so we got to sleep in a little bit). Then Scott wanted to make french toast so I let him (wow, that was rough on me 😉 ). So, what did little Henry get daddy? Well, daddy got a new superman t-shirt and a onesie (for Henry to wear) that says “Cool like my dad”. He also got his daddy a clock for the den…

What you really can’t tell is that the clock is 29″ in diameter (aka big freaking clock!). And this weekend the boys also bonded over their love of remotes 😉

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