Having a Great Day!

May 15, 2008 on 9:56 am | In Henry, Knitting | 2 Comments

Yesterday was only okay until about 5:00 yesterday evening when I called Catherine to see how Noah was doing. While he is still in the PICU things are going very well. He is off the breathing tube and has started to eat. They are slowly detangling him (he is off some meds and will be off some others soon). If things continue to go well he will be out of the PICU this weekend and possibly home some time next week.

After hearing that news, my day got much better. But it doesn’t end there! Shortly after I got home I stuck my finger in Henry’s mouth and noticed this…

His first tooth has broken through and the second won’t be far behind. I’m still trying to figure out why I decided to check his gums. I think it was the drenched bib from all his drooling.

But wait that’s not all… I got an email that my funky sock monkey kit has shipped! After they posted on their blog about being over run by monkeys and to have patience during the time of monkey madness, I was sure it would be a couple of more weeks before it shipped. I actually have a hope of finishing at least one monkey before next weekend’s birthday party (for my sister’s three girls).

And that wasn’t the only shipment notification I received last night. Henry’s new car seats have shipped and should arrive tomorrow. I talked to Scott last night and we are going to wait until he hits 22 pounds (limit for the infant car seat) before moving him to the new car seat.

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