Not really talkative today

May 21, 2008 on 5:10 pm | In Uncategorized | 4 Comments

I’m a bit annoyed right now.  We just got two bills from the ambulance service that the hospital used to transport Henry from ER to ER to ER and the insurance didn’t pay for any of it (for a total of over $1600).  It turns out that the ambulance service billed it as non-emergency and since they are out of network my insurance won’t pay for it.  I have a call in to the ambulance service to find out why it was billed as non-emergency.  I sure didn’t have a choice in who moved us and I would think going from ER to ER would be an emergency.

I’m also a bit down about my running (or lack of).  I’ve seen lots of posts from people who have been running and training for half a year, year whatever for a race and are seeing like 8 min miles.  Meanwhile, I trained for over a year and I can only dream of doing an 8 min mile.  I suck at running.  I’m thinking of not even trying to get back to it.

In an effort to try and cheer myself up, I called Albee Baby and they said whoops and shipped out the second car seat, it should be here tomorrow.  And who can resist this face?  That should put a smile on almost anyone.  Oh and I picked up my new glasses yesterday (after waiting more than three weeks for them).

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