The Rice Cereal Saga
May 29, 2008 on 9:15 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on The Rice Cereal SagaNot much to tell, he is a quick learner and is taking to the spoon like a champ. Only problem seems to be him lunging forward while I’m coming in with the spoon. A bunch ended up on his nose last night. It works best if I let him grab my hand to bring the spoon in for a landing, otherwise his chomps down on the spoon before it has a chance to get fully into his mouth.
Ambulance bill updated… I convinced Scott to work this after I called my insurance company and the ambulance service. He tried again and things are looking good. The ambulance service charged it as non-emergency because that is how the hospital called them (ie life support wasn’t needed). But when Scott called the first hospital they said it was definitely an emergency and used another term which I can’t remember. But the service says it is either one or the other not both. But I think the ambulance service is willing to change the code if the hospital tells them to (which it sounds like the one hospital might do, the other hospital was out to lunch when Scott called). Changing the code means the insurance will cover it. I’m glad I convinced Scott to call, he was saying that we should just pay it. Easy for him to say since the $1600 would come out of my bank account (actually he was saying if I paid one, he would pay the other. But I don’t think we should have to pay either). Lately I’ve been feeling like the drain opened up and money is just flowing out (in the past month I’ve bought a tiller, a fridge, and a 3 night cruise for 3). And where is my stimulus check?!?
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