Oops, I did it again…

May 5, 2008 on 3:56 pm | In Henry | Comments Off on Oops, I did it again…

You know it’s gotta be good if I’m quote Brittany of all people!  I was thinking I would have to wait a couple of weeks for a repeat rolling performance, but no!  He rolled again on Saturday (daddy wasn’t paying attention and was working on his computer).  Then he rolled again at Catherine‘s house on Sunday and then again once we got home (Scott was outside mulching the grapevine).  And then another two times, so I ran out to get Scott.  Then we were both on the floor waiting for him to roll over again and he did… just as Pushkin walked between Scott and Henry so all Scott saw was a fuzzy kitty butt.  So we waiting some more and he rolled yet again (I only count it as an official roll once he frees the trapped left arm).  I think he rolled back to front about eight times yesterday (and then three times this morning as I was getting ready).  He is liking the tummy time better when he is in control of getting to his tummy.  This morning he was a bit upset that I rolled him back (I guess he was enjoying nibbling on his rings).

I have some pictures that I took of him in his new jumperoo (what fun!), but I accidentally left my camera at Catherine’s house yesterday.  I’m stopping by after work to get it.

And I just got great news!  A co-worker and his wife are expecting!  It has been a rough road to get to this point and I’ll continue to send good thought that way for the next 6 months.

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