
May 27, 2008 on 1:53 pm | In Henry, Knitting | 1 Comment

That would be the noise our fridge made Friday night after it gasped its last breath.  We moved the baby milk from that fridge to the one down in the basement that night.  Good thing because the next day everything was quickly warming up to room temperature.  We moved the rest of the stuff Saturday before heading out to my sister’s.  On the way home, we stopped by Sears and bought ourselves a new fridge (and Scott called about an hour ago to say it was delivered).

I also finished my monkey and gave her to my oldest niece.  I’ve been calling her Funky Sherbert (because of the Sherbert BM colorway).  My only disappointment is that I didn’t have enough Sherbet yarn.  I had to modify the directions for the ears so I wouldn’t run out.  The kit is suppose to have enough yarn to make a large monkey and a small monkey.  I started the small monkey, but I had to find a different yarn to accent the Fire on the Mountain (I used Knit Picks Shine Sport in turquoise).

Henry also had a big day on Saturday…

1 Comment

  1. Swanky fridge!! Cute monkey!! (And, ya know, cute son, too. 😉

    By the way…Tag! You’re it! =)

    Comment by Heather — May 27, 2008 #

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