Getting close to sitting unsupported

May 14, 2008 on 4:14 pm | In Henry | Comments Off on Getting close to sitting unsupported

At bath time he grabs the side of the tub and keeps himself upright and his little baby crunches are really coming along. A month ago he would get a little movement with his crunch, now he can almost bring himself to sitting when he does his crunch. I used to help him sit up if I saw him crunching (thinking he wanted to be more upright), now I just assist if he starts to list that way he can built stronger abs.

And since my little guy is now about twenty pounds (exactly the same weight curve as daddy and his two cousins on that side), I bought his new car seats yesterday from Albee Baby. I’m so thankful that this topic came up on the Wagon recently because I would have spent over $100 more buying from a different online place (you can’t get the Britax Marathon Cowmooflage locally).

And on the weight thing, I’ve heard lots of conflicting reports, but I personally like what I read on Birthcare (found at the bottom of the personalized baby growth chart in General Discussions for Growth Chart).

It is helpful to know that breastfed infants grow differently than formula fed infants. Exclusively breastfed infants usually gain weight more quickly than formula fed infants for the first few months of life. However, from 6-12 months the weight gain of the breastfed infants is less than formula fed infants.

Here hoping that Henry’s rate of weight gain really does slow down after 6 months!

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