Snoozing the Day Away

May 12, 2008 on 8:33 pm | In Uncategorized | 1 Comment

I forgot to upload my weekend pictures this morning, so I’m late posting today.  We had a busy weekend.  I had lunch with most of “the girls” (two were missing, one for a fun reason and one not so much, more on that in a bit) and a birthday party on Saturday.  Sunday my sister’s oldest was confirmed and it was Mother’s Day so she had a BBQ at her place after church.  But Henry, he pretty much snoozed all day Sunday.  I had to wake him up from his afternoon nap (if he sleeps more than 2 hours, it messes up his night time sleep).

So, why were two missing from our breakfast?  Debbie was preparing to leave on vacation.  She flew to Egypt yesterday.  But Catherine… no so good news there.  She is currently sitting by Noah’s side in the PICU while he struggles to breathe (okay, not struggling since they have him heavily sedated and on a respirator).  Any spare thoughts and prayers in that direction would be greatly appreciated.  The doctors say he will be coming home but it might be several weeks.

So, what did my little guy get me for Mother’s Day?  Well, his daddy moved my computer back into the den.  Yay!  I’m no longer in the old wine cellar in the basement (since we don’t drink, I converted it into a craft cellar).  And Henry got a hold of daddy’s credit card and got me a pajamagram with I love my mommy all of them.

1 Comment

  1. I’m glad you had a lovely Mother’s Day, Jenni! I’ll be sending good thoughts to Noah for a speedy recovery. Poor little guy.

    Comment by Christine S — May 13, 2008 #

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