Not Again!
April 9, 2008 on 4:11 pm | In Uncategorized | 4 CommentsHenry is back in the hospital… I had to run back to work to get my pump stuff (and pump since I haven’t pumped in almost six hours!). We aren’t sure what is up, but I got a call from daycare that his circulation looked bad and they even got so concerned that they called 911 before we got there. Right now we are thinking maybe something with his bowels, but we aren’t sure (and that him clenching from pain is what caused the poor circulation in his legs). All his blood work looks good. When I left they were prepping for a GI cat scan (feeding him yucky dye and then see where it went and what happened). As soon as my 20 minutes are up here I’m going to grab my stuff and go back (next time this happens I know to grab my purse *and* my pump!).
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