Rollin’ Rollin’ Rollin’
April 28, 2008 on 5:36 pm | In Henry | 2 Comments Though the streams are swollen
Keep them dogies rollin’
Sorry, but that has been going through my head since Saturday. Henry hasn’t perfected the roll yet, it was more of an accident. He can successfully and repeatably roll onto his side from his back. And just before 6:45 pm on Saturday he got stuck on his side and wiggled and wiggled and ended up on his belly… where he proceeded to fuss for me to help flip him back (I let him fuss for a little bit to give him some tummy time and not immediately come to his rescue, otherwise how would he learn to flip himself back).
I tried and tried to get him to do it again. He’d look up at me as I tried to coax him over with toys but his legs and hips wouldn’t follow. Or when his legs and hips were in the right position, they would go immediately to the floor when I tried to get his attention. He was really close when he grabbed the crinkle leaf on his “jungle gym”. He would grab the leave and pull himself onto his side. I was hopeful that he would keep pulling and actually end up on his belly. But alas, the leaf was in the wrong place and his arm prevented a full roll.
I’ve also determined that he is getting bored with the current set of toys. And since he loves it when we err “toss” him into the air (not really a toss since he never leaves our hands just more of an up and down) I went with the Rainforest Jumperoo.
I have some cute pictures that I took over the weekend. But while I remembered to bring my compact flash card with me to work, I forgot to bring the card reader. So, tomorrow you’ll get to see Henry snacking on some toucan toes (from his jungle gym).
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