A boy and his bear
April 22, 2008 on 9:23 am | In Exclusively Pumping, Henry | 1 CommentI meant to say “I’ll show one each day all week” in yesterday’s post. So, here is today’s picture.
Since I already have the conversion kit to attach the regular Avent bottles to my Medela PISA, last week I bought some Avent Via containers since I was in need of some 5+ oz containers. Yesterday when I was reading some reviews on Babies R Us about the VIA, I noticed some people complained about the lid and how it could leak during transport and when attached to the pump. I had noticed the few times I used them that they were a bit tricky to get the lid on correctly, but I didn’t have any problems when pumping… until this morning. Since Henry has been sleeping thru the night for a while now, I don’t pump between 10 pm and 6:30 am. This means I get around 12 oz at my morning pump. I usually get 7 oz from the right and 5 oz from the left. So, I had a 9 oz Avent bottle on the right and a 6 oz Via container on the left. I guess I didn’t have the Via container on the adapter correctly because when the container had about 4 oz it fell off and spilled all over the floor. So very very sad.
I now hold the record for most amount of spilled milk in one session at my house. Scott was the previous record holder when he forgot to put the bottom on the Playtex Ventaire bottle before he started to pour the milk in (about 3 oz ended up on the counter instead of in the bottle). But since I have about 39 oz in the fridge and 45 oz in the freezer, I’m not going to cry over the spilled milk this time.
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Too bad about the Via. You are doing great with the breastfeeding and pumping though. Any secrets? I could barely pump out 2 oz (combined) last time. I’m hoping to have a better go at it this time around.
Comment by Abi — April 23, 2008 #