
April 16, 2008 on 3:28 pm | In Uncategorized | 4 Comments

That is the official diagnosis. it is benign and is common in chubby babies. As he gets older and less chubby it will go away.

We saw lots of doctors during the past week and it wasn’t until today’s appointment with the pediatric cardiologist that we found someone who has seen this before. She says she sees it about once a month.

I sent an email to daycare since Scott was dropping him off to give more details of our visit this morning and I got a concerning reply back. She wrote down a bit better the events of last week and what lead to calling 911 and said that they are still concerned for his health and that they don’t feel like the diagnosis corresponds well with what happened.

I have no idea what to do. Every single test they’ve run has come back normal. I’ve been getting the feeling like the daycare might refuse to look after him because they are concerned that it might happen again and “are still very concerned that he has a health problem which we are not qualified to deal with.”

We have a follow-up appointment next week with his pediatrician, so I guess I’ll talk to them once more about the more detailed story.

[editted to add] I just wanted to add something that I just remembered and Melanie’s CYA statement made me think it would be wise to add it in here.  About a year and a half ago Henry’s daycare provider lost her 45 day old daughter that was born premature.  After Scott talked to her today, I think I’m getting a better idea of her concerns.  She said something today about not being able to handle it if anything happened to Henry.  And I think this stems from her loss.  She is going to talk to her husband tonight and I think to try and figure out if she is reacting emotionally because of what happened to her or if the situation warrants it.


  1. Hey there! *lots of hugs*

    You must be so frustrated and scared at the same time. I don’t blame you!

    My main question would be if he was in any pain when it happened… that would be the one thing that would trip up the diagnosis. Unfortunately, the only way he can tell you is by body language and baby sounds.

    He didn’t come into contact with anything new that day, did he?

    Lots more hugs,

    – Sue

    Comment by Sue — April 16, 2008 #

  2. They are covering their a**es. That is about all. Many, many hugs.

    Comment by Melanie — April 16, 2008 #

  3. It’s good to have a diagnosis at least and I hope that it doesn’t cause any future problems. Poor little guy and poor you and Scott! I guess I can see the owner being worried but it does seem that her past experience may play a role in how she’s feeling. (((Jenni)))

    Comment by Christine S — April 16, 2008 #

  4. I hope they get it all figured out, both the doctors and your daycare provider. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Tons and tons of {{{{{hugs}}}}}

    Comment by Erin — April 17, 2008 #

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