My Grandma…

April 30, 2008 on 12:28 pm | In Uncategorized | 1 Comment

I’m so thankful for my grandma.  Growing up we would spend one weekend a month at their place and then a couple of weeks during the summer.  They even took us (my sister and me) on vacations to the beach a couple of times.  By far she was my favorite grandparent growing up.  And I am so grateful that Henry will have some time with her (hopefully lots and lots).  She has been through a lot.  My grandfather had a heart attack and quadruple heart bypass in his mid fifties (about a month after she got her driver’s license in case something happened).  She has glaucoma, has survived breast cancer (six years now I think), and has had a knee replaced.  My grandfather passed away twelve years ago and it has been really hard on her being without him.  Since I was raised in a broken family (dad – her oldest son – left when I was 2), I use the relationship between my grandma and my grandpa as example of a good marriage (more than 50 years!).  She is 86 years old, has all her teeth, and check out the hair!  That is all the gray she has, isn’t that awesome.  Early last fall we has a scare.  The doctors thought grandma had lung cancer and we were looking at less than six months… turns out she had a lung clot and is now doing great.  She still lives alone in her two story house (with her laundry in the basement).  She has been there for 35 years and doesn’t plan on leaving any time soon.

How much does my grandma mean to me?  If we ever have a daughter, she will have my grandma’s name as a first name.    My second favorite grandparent was my mom’s dad and Henry is named after him (middle name, Thomas).

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