Party Animal

March 19, 2008 on 1:30 pm | In Henry | 1 Comment

Guess who got his very first birthday party invite yesterday!

Noah is turning 1 at the end of the month and is having a birthday party next weekend. It seems like just yesterday that Noah was born (six weeks early after a couple of weeks in the hospital for Catherine). And now he seems so big compared to my little guy.

Speaking of which Henry is doing really well. He has almost no sniffles and tonight is his last dose of antibiotics. I definitely won’t miss the antibiotic breath! I can tell things are calming back down because his night sleep is getting back in line. Last night he only woke us up twice. The first time at 1:30 was just a small blip and he was asleep before Scott even got there. The second time was at 5:22 and took a little bit to get him back to sleep (not much). I’m hoping for no night wakings tonight!

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